Our team

Global Textware has 30 permanent staff members, all with academic or university-level educations. However, what is most important is their love for language and the pride they take in delivering premium-quality texts.

An enthusiastic team

We often hear from clients that it was a pleasure to work with us. They appreciate our personalised and friendly manner and our calm, laid-back style of communication, but it is our driven, professional, disciplined approach to translation that keeps them coming back .

We remember our local roots, while employing a global approach.

The Global Textware Team:

Thomas Prins CEO

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Raymund Prins Founder

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Anja Franssen Project Manager

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Sophie Huisman Global textware

Sophie Huisman Project Manager

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Nienke Hulzebos Global textware

Nienke Castelein Project Manager

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Polina Putkova Project manager

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Roeland Bentvelzen Global textware

Roeland Bentvelzen Translator

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Johanna Hoogstra-Jongeling Translator

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Judith van der Klei Global textware

Judith van der Klei Translator

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Jeroen Beerda Global textware

Jeroen Beerda Translator

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Marjolein Hafkenscheid Translator

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Elly van Nieff-Post Office Manager

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Dion Wissink Administrative staff member

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Marce van Velden Strategic innovation consultant

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IT department

Lucas Brandts IT Specialist

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Stefan Prins Global textware

Stefan Prins Vendor Manager

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